For our priorities ranking system we use a matrix that categorizes tickets by importance, urgency and severity regarding our North Star core principles.

Group 54.png

Priorities matrix

Q1 - Important and Urgent

Critical tasks. The quadrant with the highest priority.

Q2 - Important, but Not Urgent

Important goals.

Q3 - Urgent, but Not Important

Disruptions that prevent a system or process, from working as expected. They should be reviewed constantly, as these could turn into Q1 problems.

Q4 - Not Urgent and Not Important

These tasks are distractions. We should keep this in the lowest of our priorities.

Value tags

We complement our Priorities matrix with 4 tags: Critical, High, Medium and Low value, for us to be able to navigate within the quadrants.

Critical: Affecting a critical business application; potential loss of business critical data, client data, or financial records. Problem has to be solved right away, regardless of time or date.

High: Affecting a non-critical business application; affecting a critical IT support application.

Medium: Affecting a non-critical IT support application; Critical individual user application.

Low: Non-critical individual user application.